Friday, 17 June 2011

When everything is gone, we'll still be begging for more.

I've learnt that nothing lasts forever. When you're young you think that everything is perfect and dreams really so become reality, just like santa can fit through your tiny chimney.  When we're young we live in our own little bubble but then we grow up, we learn that life isn't as peachy as we first thought it was. We have to work hard and give respect to earn it.

You can still be naive though and think that things are never going to end. But they do. You grow up.

What's wrong with people today though?  They either try to grow up too fast or label themself with some kind of image that isn't them, just to fit in.  I see 14 year olds that slap on the make up, wear see through tops and cover themsleves in head to toe Jack Wills or such brands.  They think that appearance is everything and wish to appear fashionable. But the truth of the matter is they're just 14 they should they really care if they go out without make up on?!  They want to stand out as indiciduals but all end up looking like manufactured dolls.

Another major problem is that people are trying to be something they're not. Whether it's the way they dress, the music they listen to, or what they say. I used to resent these people as i knew that they were just pretending to be something they weren't just to get 'in' with people- and it worked.  But now i just feel sorry for them.  They have to pretend and mould themself into a different person just to fit in with who they want to, well you who has to do this i feel for you.  If you can't feel good enough and fit in by just being yourself than i feel sorry for you. 

I look at one particular person and laugh though, they want to be percieved as 'cool' and 'original' yet they're forcing the image upon themself, it's not truly them.  They think that they are 'cool' and 'unique' yet they aren't and they just make themselves look stupid. I can see through them and i know in time others will too.

I understand that much of the above may make no sense. So thankfully. Ramble over. X

Monday, 13 June 2011

Given the chance i want to be somebody.

'Good fortune shies away from gloom.
  Keep your spirits up. 
 Good things will come to you and you will come to good things.'

Everybody makes wishes,
Everybody has dreams,
Everybody wishes to achieve their dreams,
Stop wishing and begin chasing,
Paint yourself the path.

Been thinking alot about what i want to do in the next few years. University is a definate, but due to the raised fees i was umming and arring as to what to study. My heart said costume design. My head said teaching.
My dream is to be a costume desginer or to work within costume for performance. I've spoken to my parents and friends and they have been a great help, it gives someone great confidence to know that people believe in you, believe you can do it.
I only have one life, one chance to do what i love.
I should make the most of it.
Chase after my dreams, rather than letting them run miles away from capability.
I'm going to take a leap of fate and hope it pays off.And that my dreamcatcher works and brings me pots of luck!

Now where's that wish tree...?

Sunday, 12 June 2011

There's always sunshine after a rainstorm.

 The best kind of rain, of course, is a cozy rain. 
 This is the kind the anonymous medieval poet makes me remember,
 the rain that falls on a day when you'd just as soon stay in bed a little longer,
 write letters or read a good book by the fire,
take early tea with hot scones and jam and look
out the streaked window with complacency.

Old memories captured in photographs.
Hidden meanings behind your smiles.
Deeper meaning to words.
A hidden depth.
Not all things are spoken.

So a day full of textiles revision isn't my favourite way to go. I prefer the actual creative side of textiles. The side where you can create something beautiful from next to nothing at all. However i have learnt lots while revising, i now know what microencapsulation is. I pray to God that this comes up on the exam as there is nothing more frustrating than what you revise not coming up.

Listening to the rain pattering on my window whilst playing my favourite music tracks is actually quite relaxing and makes me smile!  Not going to lie though wish the sun would come out!

Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing,
wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating;
there is really no such thing as bad weather,
only different kinds of good weather.

Almost finished reading persuasion, thinking i may start on Sense and Sensibility next, maybe it'll knock some sense into me..  I love Austens classics, so excuse me while i go and dive into a world of curtseys, corsets and romance..

Thursday, 9 June 2011

I'm free fallin'

'All the vampires walkin through the valley
Move west down ventura boulevard
And all the bad boys are standing in the shadows
All the good girls are home with broken hearts'

It's funny isn't it, how different situations make you feel different. Being wiht people your own age or yonger makes you fel older, whereas being with oler people you feel like you fit in, until they know your age then you feel young, like you're the child and they're the teacher.  I know that people say you shouldn't grow up to fast, that you should enjoy being young, but the truth is time flies.  You think you have time to do everything you wish to ahieve, you believe that time will slow down for you and allow you to do everything that matter to you. But the fact is it doesn't.  Time eats away at itself, uses itself up so even though you started with what felt like forever, you actually end up with very little time at all.

Everyone has dreams, things that seem unlikely to happen, but we wish them to. The thing is we only have one life, instead of dreaming, why not get on that rollercoaster and chase our dreams, it's not like we'll have a second chance too.  Eventually we'll die and never get to do what we enjoy, we don't know what happens after death, but that unknowingness should make us chase what we want in this life.
  We forget that some people have no chance to live their life. Their time is cut shorter than it should be. They don't have a chance to chase their original dreams, they the ae new dreams.  Their new dreams are what we purely expect and think will happen in life. Yet they mean so much to these people. They dream of getting a job, owning a house, getting married, having children, family holidays, seeing their children grow up, then growing old with their lover. It's sad to think that we take these things for granted and we just expect them when for some people they are merely a distant dream.

Next month i am running the race for life, this supports cancer research, it raises money which then goes towards into research towards cancer treatments, ways of preventing it, ways of killing it, also it helps people already with cancer. I'm running it in memory of my grandad, he died last year from bowel cnacer, he was one of the lucky ones in a way though, he had llived, he got married, had children and grew old. However it is never nice, especially to see a life wither away in front of you.  I don't think you truly appreciate everything until you see and experience something like that. My cousins fiance passed away a few years ago, due to lukemia, he unlike my grandad hadn't lived his life and it was cut short.  It was cut short just as he was beginning to live, he didn't even have time to get married. My cousin is now happily married, i know though that she will always love Andrew and her love for someone lese can do nothing to change that.

Cnacer affects a high percentage of people across the world, you never know who could have it, it could possibly be one of your family, so please sponsor me for the race for life, help raise money for caner, you're investing in yours and your loved ones futures!


Saturday, 4 June 2011

Cruel to be kind.

"Don't let anyone ever tell you that you dont belong, that you can't achieve, that you will stumble and fail, don't let anyone make you feel like you're insignificant. If you put your mind to it you can achieve, you can achieve your dreams and beyond. Everyone belongs somewhere and with someone, even if you stumble an fall pick yourself back up and shake yourself off, make yourself significant, to yourself and those around you. But most of all live to the max, take risks and aim high."

  Time to get my life organised, save my money and list making. List making, list of things i'm saving for, list of things to do, list of where i need to be, list of future ideas. It's list after list after list. As much as these lsits re drowning me at the moment i like to be organised.

  Taken some time out recently, had a night out with my girls which was nice, sad though as it felt like the last time that we would all be together, almost felt like we were saying goodbye to some.  Also made numerous trips to the gym, it makes me feel so good after! even if i do sweat so much at the time!
Also took some time out and did the fashion photoshoots that i said previously i would, here are some images, they do need some improvement though! My friend kindly modelled for me as promised.